Ok this is how it works- I start a poem with one line and you add to it- I'm trying this out hoping that I will get good feed back and lines will be added daily but you know what can happen to the best laid plans. Just reade whats allready here and think up a new line to add. Your line doesn't have to make any sense when combined with what is all ready here only be creative. Your exact words will be added within 24 hours of the receipt of your mail. Just click the link to my hotmail account and mail away. Thanx and enjoy the rest of my page.---- adidas21m


Follow the minds of truth

Begin where the road turns red

Live behind the modern times

Make the flowers bloom

find your greener grass

and build upon its roots

use those who have passed

to grow above the weeds

hollow eyes

like invisible dreams

windows to the soul

like unheard screams

metal rain

silken stars

wild with pain

and hidden scars

angry with fear

(hold on)

my love you dispise

cause a fallen tear

embracement like thorns

cleaverly blind

to you no longer sworn

i left you behind

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