The conspiracy has taken us all to a new level of low. Our own government is plotting against us. Trying to take our power. Turn it from We the poeple to We the slave owners...... It's been a long timein the making. From day one our government has held the power- our democratic system is no more than a joke. A way for them to make us believe we still have some say. Our own social standards are being effected- we are being subjected to negative propaganda from all sides. With dozens of forms of mass media we have all been effected- believe it or not- you yourself have most likely been partially brain washed into believing in something that the government has dreamed up to take your own power away.

We have been subjected to hundreds of government studies without ever signing a waiver for our own safety. We are being wronged and that is the bottom line.... The more we fight for personal rights the more we lose by letting the government create more laws. We are doing nothing more than giving our persecuters a tighter grasp on our lives. Stop them now...... make it harder for them to control us. They are using our fears to create a massive dictatorship.

Spread the news- I am not writing this to create mass appeal to a revolution only to make you aware of the faults of our goverment. Taxes are the least of our worries- we are being screwed even harder in more perverse ways than milking us of o9ur lunch money.


Our governemnt has compiled massive data banks that incorporate the daily happenings of every registered citizen in our country- most likely that inlcudes you. Even by using your computer they can track you. Cell phones- car computers- what you may believe is an internet account, phone number or vin number is really nothing more than another ss#- noting more than a concentration camp prisoner id number- though you can leave the country you can never escape the eyes of uncle sam. That $2,000,000,000.00 toilet that the president takes his morning dump on bought our government some tools to watch us even closer with high powered star wars technology- The NSA can tell you what you ate in the morning by analyzing your feces with high powered eyes in the sky. Regan's star wars program was never terminated only changed into a high tech method of spying on the world.

Information is power- we have moved from a nuclear cold war to an information based cold war that teeters on the edge of world destruction. The Y2K problems were not just discovered they were created- written into your executive files to create massive panic in our country and the world- it's a test their strength.

I will update this page often to inform you of the massive corruption will livge under in this democratic country we call home- Do your part- inform people- take a minute and ask yourself where all the money we pay in taxes went, where the technology for the stealth bomber came from- why you regerster your car and why the government reserves the right to control your life under your own nose-

Lets take a inute to talk about our modern day warfare- how is it that the draft could be coming back. Half of the people I talk to are in the military- why am I paying them to be trained when I hear that the draft will be needed again. Draft for what- are we out of personel or do they want to save the well trained and paid troops and sacrifice the common man like we did in vietnam. And as for the war- why are we really there- it seems to me that human rights aren't as important to our government as they would like us to believe- so what is it that they aren't telling us about Kosovoh- why are we really spending so much money to fight for peasants???? I guess we will never know the truth about our governments agendas- it's like going to a restaurant and ordering a hotdog for $1,000,000.00- when you ask why it costs so much the waiter simply replies..."because"- well because was never a viable answer for me and it shouldn't be for you. As citizens of the country we are supposed to be able to access the truth about where our money is going. Try it- call up your local high school and ask for a payroll- list- you'll be suprised how much government employees make- you might even vomit. My question to you is......Is our countries current status worth fighting for? And what is our governments deffenition for "human rights"?? The answer tomorrow.......


Ok here's the big one. When I dug up these Top Secret files my eyes nearley popped out of my head. Check it out- Kosovo- you've heard of it right- apparently the UNited States is spending tons of time and even more money over there. It is located in the dessert right? We are defending the people who have no defense against a ridiculously cruel dictator right? And you can locate this place on a map right? Wrong!!!! Try it- try to find this Kosovo on a map- it doesn't exist. That's not the full depth of this though. If this war doesn't exist then where is all the money going???? Ahhhhh- our space station.... Apparently the United States government has been developing a full space station for a decade. It's exact size is unknown but I have been told that it is some where around 800 trillion square feet. Big enough to house, feed and employ over 900,000 people. This starteling news means only one thing to me- THE END IS NEAR AND OUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS SETTING US UP FOR A SLAUGHTER. Put that in your pipe and smoke it- perhaps it is time we stood up for our rights instead of pretending that everything is all right. Physciatrists will tell you that the first sign that there is a problem is denial. Are you in denial?????

..........TO BE CONTINUED..........